Saturday, August 22, 2009

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The Sephardic maiden of a year ago would have still been standing in the road petrified with terror when the Croats took her down. The Becky Stearns of the present heavy with child was rummaging in her large handbag within seconds whispering thanks to her hillbilly husband. Mike had insisted that she learn to use a gun. Obediently Rebecca had tried. Tried and failed. Failed at least insofar as accuracy was concerned. Whatever her other qualities even her husband had ­finally agreed that she couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. So be it. There are guns for barns too. Harry Lefferts had been delighted to provide her with one. “A gift for a pretty lady ” he called it with Appalachian gallantry. When the first Croat was ten yards away Rebecca hauled the sawed-off shotgun out of the handbag. At five yards she cut loose with the first barrel. Five yards with a sawed-off twelve gauge loaded with buckshot. She missed. Completely. Didn’t.
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